ITC and SME Trade Academy

new look

Keep Up with the Latest News from the SME Trade Academy!

Dear Зочин,

You are receiving this message because you are registered on ITC’s SME Trade Academy e-learning platform. Here at the Academy, we’re starting 2023 with a bang! Every month, we’ll be sending you newsletters filled with interesting updates and information that we think you’ll want to know about, including:

  • New and upcoming courses
  • Training events and workshops happening in your area
  • New ITC publications that match your interests
  • Exclusive interviews with subject matter experts, tutors and course authors
  • Learning communities and their dedicated courses and certificate programmes
  • And much more besides!

If you haven’t visited the SME Trade Academy for a while, come take a look! We are starting the year with an updated portal, a new look-and-feel and several new courses.

Access our catalogue now and stay tuned!


Introduction to Resource Efficiency and Circular Production for SMEs
Introduction to Resource Efficiency and Circular Production for SMEs

This course will inform you about the benefits that saving resources, such as energy, water or waste, can offer to your company – both in term of saving costs, developing new business opportunities – and enhancing your company’s environmental footprint.

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Start date: 11, November 2024

Duration: 8 hours over 2 weeks

Introduction to Organic Farming
Introduction to Organic Farming

This course introduces the basics of organic farming for agricultural practitioners, particularly those involved in small- to medium-sized operations and located in developing or least-developed countries.

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Start date: 9, December 2024

Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks

Introducción a la cadena de bloques para el comercio
Introducción a la cadena de bloques para el comercio

Este curso introduce a los participantes en la tecnología blockchain y les da una comprensión básica de sus principales características. Destaca el valor empresarial de blockchain y la importancia de la tecnología para el comercio internacional.

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Start date: 16, December 2024

Duration: 4 horas en dos semanas

Introduction to Food Safety and Hygiene for Vendors
Introduction to Food Safety and Hygiene for Vendors

This course introduces the basics of Food Safety from the perspective of fresh produce vendors. It focuses on the "3S" of food safety: namely the "Surroundings, Shop and Self" with a view towards enabling vendors to ensure that the fresh produce they are selling is safe for human consumption.

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Start date: 27, January 2025

Duration: 5 hours over 2 weeks

Introduction à la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE)
Introduction à la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE)

Ce cours initie les participants à la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE) pour les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME). Il présente aux participants la définition et l'importance de la RSE, avec un accent particulier sur les moteurs commerciaux de l'implication dans la RSE pour une PME.

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Start date: 3, March 2025

Duration: 4 heures sur 2 semaines

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