ITC and SME Trade Academy

Keep Up with the Latest News from the SME Trade Academy!

Dear Зочин,

We hope that you have had the opportunity to complete some of the courses available on the SME Trade Academy and become one of the 500,000 learners on our e-learning platform.

We are excited to announce new courses that are now available this month. You can access them for free by visiting our course catalogue or by using the links below. We hope that you will take full advantage of this learning opportunity.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Upcoming courses on the SME Trade Academy in August 2023.

Puzzle pieces in hands

Developing Training to Meet the Needs of the Labour Market

This course explores effective ways in which TVET institutions can leverage the expertise of employers and other local stakeholders such as government institutions, trade unions, or even former students to ensure that their training courses actually help their graduates find work.

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Start date: 4, November 2024

Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks


Export Finance and Payments

Focusing on real-world exporting experiences, this course takes participants on a journey through the trade finance industry with the aim of providing them with the ability to not only identify and access appropriate pre and post-shipment trade finance products.

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Start date: 18, November 2024

Duration: 12 hours over 3 weeks

Passion led us here

How to Measure and Manage your Social Impact

Do your business activities create positive social and environmental impact? If you have clicked on this course, they most likely do. But are you credibly measuring, managing and demonstrating this positive change? And are you communicating your impact to your clients and investors?

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Start date: 11, November 2024

Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks


Introduction à l'Accord de l'OMC sur la facilitation des échanges

Ce cours présente l'Accord de l'OMC sur la facilitation des échanges (AFE). Il fournit aux participants une vue d'ensemble de l'AFE, en mettant l'accent sur les droits et obligations qu'il entraîne pour les États membres, et en exposant les moyens pratiques par lesquels le secteur privé soutient sa mise en œuvre.

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Start date: 2, December 2024

Duration: 4 heures sur 2 semaines


Approaching Banks for Financing

This course explains the ways in which the financial needs of small enterprises are determined and the obstacles that they face in accessing adequate financing.

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Start date: 9, December 2024

Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks

Money tree

Competitiveness Through Enterprise Sustainability

This course introduces the reasons for which environmental, social and economic sustainability is important to a small enterprise.

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Start date: 28, October 2024

Duration: 4 hours of study over 2 weeks

Organic farming

Introduction to Organic Farming

This course introduces the basics of organic farming for agricultural practitioners, particularly those involved in small- to medium-sized operations and located in developing or least-developed countries.

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Start date: 9, December 2024

Duration: 4 hours over 2 weeks

Presentation in office

Comprendre le rôle des institutions d’appui au commerce

Ce cours présente le rôle de des institutions d'appui au commerce (IAC), la manière dont les IAC sont classées, ainsi que leurs principaux intervenants. Il explique en détail la manière dont un portefeuille de services est développé selon les besoins des intervenants, avec un accent particulier sur les exportateurs.

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Start date: 9, December 2024

Duration: 4 heures sur 2 semaines

To discover more upcoming courses, access our Catalogue now!


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